scriptorium / skrɪpˈtɔr i əm, -ˈtoʊr- /


scriptorium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural scrip·to·ri·ums, scrip·to·ri·a [skrip-tawr-ee-uh, -tohr-]. /skrɪpˈtɔr i ə, -ˈtoʊr-/.

  1. a room, as in a monastery, library, or other institution, where manuscripts are stored, read, or copied.


  1. Every volume had to be returned before the lights were lit, and work ceased in the scriptorium the instant the daylight failed.
  2. It lay in a conspicuous place in the scriptorium, and no one but the chronicler was permitted to make entries in it.
  3. At last he turned his back resolutely upon the picture of loveliness and entered the scriptorium.
  4. Every considerable monastery had a room, called Scriptorium, where this work was performed.
  5. Day after day he would trudge from his mother's house, and she was a widow, up to the monks' Scriptorium.