screen-wiper / ˈskrinˌwaɪ pər /


screen-wiper 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. The garrulous assistant to a fading screen siren in Clouds of Sils Maria.
  2. “JSwipe is currently under heavy load,” flashed across the screen, one night as a friend and I looked at it.
  3. A sad-faced orange Star of David flashed across the iPhone screen as we swiped left on “James” (not his real name).
  4. Her name was Courtney, and she was a fashion editor for magazines like Photoplay, Screenland, Silver Screen.
  5. A more rugged version of American masculinity is hard to find on screen.
  6. Among the Perpendicular additions to the church last named may be noted a very beautiful oaken rood-screen.
  7. The fire had been heaped over with earth—to screen it from prying eyes, I suppose, while the good work went on.
  8. Now, he chose a small table in a corner of the balcony, close to the glass screen.
  9. According to a weekly paper not only is Constance Binney a famous screen star, but she is also a first-class ukelele player.
  10. It was ten minutes before she raised her hand and pointed to a wilted but still effective screen.