scoliosis / ˌskoʊ liˈoʊ sɪs, ˌskɒl i- /


scoliosis 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.


  1. Jace is so floppy physically that he slumps in his stroller, and his doctor fears this will lead to scoliosis, a serious risk for youngsters in his condition.
  2. His spine was curved, indicating the condition known as scoliosis.
  3. “Yoga has helped increase my range of motion and flexibility and has addressed my imbalances from the scoliosis,” says Dr. Drape.
  4. Dr. Drape recognizes that she will always have to manage her scoliosis.
  5. By show of hands, how many of you are currently developing advanced scoliosis from the unbearable weight of your cell phone?
  6. His arms were fine, and it is likely that his scoliosis was not even visible under his clothes.
  7. In long-standing cases the pain and discomfort may lead to a postural scoliosis (ischias-scoliotica).
  8. Scoliosis is the usual type of spinal curvature, and in extreme cases it may lead to a pronounced form of hump-back.
  9. It may be noted that the scoliosis due to rickets has little tendency towards recovery.
  10. Both had club foot and scoliosis, and one was afflicted with spasm of the face and left arm.
  11. Slight scoliosis of the vertebral column and a misshapen right foot recalled Friedreich's ataxia.