schistose / ˈʃɪs toʊs /


schistose 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, resembling, or in the form of schist.


  1. A marked schistosity accompanies this alteration, and most of the schistose planes are coated with silvery muscovite.
  2. The average dip of the schistose planes is about 60°; from this they vary up to 90° and down to 20°.
  3. In regions where no sediments occur, the relation of the schistose planes to the folds can not be discovered.
  4. They were thickly covered with eucalypti and brush, and, though based upon sandstone, were themselves of a schistose formation.
  5. Spilosite, spil′o-sīt, n. a greenish schistose rock spotted with chlorite, occurring in the Harz—the German Fleckenschiefer.