sarge / sɑrdʒ /


sarge 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. If ever there were an argument for the benefits of religious faith, it was Sarge Shriver.
  2. Sarge was never given the tools to finish the job, but he never gave up or gave in.
  3. Sarge was one of those to whom the torch was passed on Inauguration Day 50 years ago this week.
  4. And the reason it became such a big success—both instantly and even now, 50 years later—was Sarge.
  5. Sarge was now ready to enlist in what others saw as a hopeless endeavor—and it was.
  6. "A camp-fire would hardly flash and die out like that, Sarge," he answered thoughtfully.
  7. Crawl up there again, Sarge, and look straight down at the first ledge from the bottom.
  8. Are you ready to take a chance on getting your throat cut or being shot in the back, Sarge?
  9. The kid acts plumb bug-house, but Sarge he says fer me to come around and see wot's up.
  10. But, Sarge, he urged desperately, Im no durn good here foolin around with drill an relief an diggin an all that.