sargassum / sɑrˈgæs əm /


sargassum 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any seaweed of the genus Sargassum, widely distributed in the warmer waters of the globe, as S. bacciferum, the common gulfweed.


  1. Sargassum is distinguished by its differentiation into stem and leaf, resembling in outward appearance the higher plants.
  2. The Sargassites, finally, have been vaguely referred to the genus Sargassum, so abundant in tropical seas.
  3. Indeed, this region is especially so called on account of the ‘Sargassum,’ or weed, in the Portuguese tongue.
  4. Sea-lentil is a name sometimes applied to the gulfweed Sargassum vulgare.
  5. Edward Forbes supposed that the Sargassum or Gulf-weed represents the littoral sea-weeds of a now submerged continent.