sardonic / sɑrˈdɒn ɪk /


sardonic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; sneering; cynical; a sardonic grin.

sardonic 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Adam Honoré’s lush lighting — smoky hues of amber, gold and blue — complements Sonnenblick’s sumptuous score, which is highlighted by the heartfelt “The Mercy of Love,” the boisterous “Wallace Falls” and the cleverly sardonic “My Boy in Blue.”
  2. He has a knack for combining the spiritual and sincere with the sardonic and self-deprecating.
  3. Depending on the part, he can give gravitas, sardonic wit, boyish twinkly humor, or a combination of the three.
  4. Supplementing Bourdain’s words are a handful of essays by friends, colleagues, and family that tell even deeper stories about a place, including sardonic accounts of traveling with Bourdain.
  5. “Louie has a typical day”—that's the log line, sardonic and perfect.
  6. Matchless English style, very funny in parts, wonderfully sardonic, yet sympathetic observation of the chaos of war.
  7. A pantomime horse plays a role, as does a sardonic hand puppet.
  8. Ebert was celebrated for the sardonic wit and democratic writing style he employed in his reviews.
  9. Alan Arkin also provides an award-worthy turn as Lester Siegel, a sardonic, over-the-hill movie mogul who helps in the mission.
  10. Just smiled, a sardonic sort of grimace, and unbuckled his belt and handed it over without a word.
  11. Then the frown was smoothed away; a sardonic smile replaced it; another cup of wine he poured himself.
  12. Countless dogs fought under the feet of passers-by, and over all leered the sardonic face of Jean Bart, pirate and privateer.
  13. The attitude in which I was, my hands clasped round my knees, consorted with sardonic merriment.
  14. A sardonic smile played over the white lips of Azenor the Pale.