Santana, who normally spent his days managing schedules and handling paperwork, found himself behind the wheel bumping up against federal driving-hour caps to move mail shipments.
There’s no guarantee that Follower Emotes will be here to stay — Santana says it’s a feature Twitch is “experimenting” with — but if all goes well, the feature will roll out more widely later in the year.
Santana found a ticket for this year’s game through a friend.
On video, Raymond Santana was smug, boastful, and nonchalant by turns, vividly reenacting who did what during the rape.
Later on, after Raymond Santana had been interrogated about the rape, he was being driven to another precinct.
Santana (Naya Rivera) remembered Finn as the first person to crack through her hardened façade.
Prosecutors said Harris pulled a gun and shot 47-year-old Franklin Manuel Santana once in the face and four times in the back.
Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, and Kharey Wise were the other men in the Central Park Five.
I don't feel equal to starting any domestic santana today, but the forces are gathering and the blow is coming soon.