sanderling / ˈsæn dər lɪŋ /


sanderling 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a common, small sandpiper, Calidris alba, inhabiting sandy beaches.


  1. The Sanderling is one of the most widely spread of all the Arctic Grallæ during its winter migration.
  2. In its winter plumage, in which we usually see it, it is likely to be confused with the northern phalarope or the sanderling.
  3. It is appreciably different from the call of any other sandpiper known to me, although not so very unlike that of the sanderling.
  4. The note of the sanderling is a soft ket, ket, ket, uttered singly or in series somewhat querulous in tone.
  5. The sanderling is a rather silent bird at all times and seems to have a comparatively limited vocabulary.