sandarac / ˈsæn dəˌræk /


sandarac 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a coniferous tree, Tetraclinis articulata, native to northwestern Africa, yielding a resin and a fragrant, hard, dark-colored wood much used in building.
  2. the brittle, usually pale-yellow, faintly aromatic resin exuding from the bark of this tree: used chiefly as incense and in making varnish.


  1. Alerce, a-lers′, n. the wood of the sandarac-tree: the Chilian Arbor vit—both of the pine family.
  2. One ounce white rosin; one half ounce gum sandarac; one half ounce Prussian blue, in fine powder.
  3. As alcohol dissolves sandarac, the points that formerly appeared opaque may now become transparent.
  4. Always the eraser and the sandarac, the same inkstand, the same pens, and the same companions.