salutariness 的定义
- favorable to or promoting health; healthful.
- promoting or conducive to some beneficial purpose; wholesome.
salutariness 近义词
等同于 hygiene
salutariness 的近义词 7 个
salutariness 的反义词 3 个
- Nevertheless, it is not surprising that a new generation seeks to reclaim something salutary from a shameful era.
- After all, not committing fouls is a good, even salutary, thing.
- The exposure from Girls surely will be salutary by getting OCD the disease out in the open.
- But this salutary revolution, like so many revolutions, overstepped, and resulted in the Great Inversion.
- But Cathcart also thought this was a salutary day for Fleet Street and the British Press.
- This is a salutary rule of the law, which the courts everywhere do not hesitate to enforce.
- I hope having a younger sister, and outgrowing baby charms may be salutary.
- In spite of herself, Marguerite got accustomed to this new existence, whose salutary effects she already realized.
- The Church adjudged Simone heretic, and condemned her for salutary penance to the bread of suffering and the water of affliction.
- I was very much surprised to find a planet where Nature had not forgotten this salutary provision.