saltpeter / ˌsɔltˈpi tər /


saltpeter 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the form of potassium nitrate, KNO3, that occurs naturally, used in the manufacture of fireworks, fluxes, gunpowder, etc.; niter.
  2. Chile saltpeter.

saltpeter 近义词


等同于 preservative

saltpeter 的近义词 5


  1. If the Union can not be preserved without saltpeter, then let enough of this article be employed to secure the result.
  2. They found a place where saltpeter was very thinly and erratically distributed.
  3. He gave enormous doses of powerful drugs—sixty grains of gamboge, and from two to three ounces of saltpeter in a single day.
  4. Since smoked and cured meats are used in making potted meats, saltpeter is quite frequently found in the latter.
  5. Saltpeter was needed for her guns, alkali for her industries, and the chemist was called upon for help.