saltiness / ˈsɔl ti /


saltiness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

salt·i·er, salt·i·est.

  1. tasting of or containing salt; saline.
  2. piquant; sharp; witty.
  3. racy or coarse: salty humor.
  4. of the sea, sailing, or life at sea: salty tales of adventure on the high seas.
  5. Slang. toughened by experience: proud and salty Marines.
  6. Slang. angry, upset, or hostile, especially due to embarrassment or failure:He gets all salty whenever he loses.

saltiness 近义词


等同于 sapor


等同于 flavor


  1. In savory dishes oranges can balance bitter, salty and strong flavors.
  2. When researchers simulated that interaction in the lab by shooting electrons at salty ice samples, the ice glowed.
  3. The small trees’ tolerance for salty, wind-blasted shores impresses biologists.
  4. It’s something crunchier, saltier and worth celebrating a second time.
  5. The California mussel is found in very salty, low sediment areas from Alaska to Mexico.
  6. Mix thoroughly and taste; depending on the saltiness of the anchovy and capers, more salt may be desired.
  7. The saltiness of ricotta salata and olives make this simple root vegetable a meal.
  8. The cheese is then placed in this bath and left for three to five days, depending on the saltiness desired.
  9. Mitaslup na ang kaparat sa isdà, The saltiness has penetrated deep into the flesh of the fish.
  10. He lay and smelled gunpowder mingling with the saltiness of the bay and the evening incense of the earth.
  11. Hence its saltiness and great specific gravity, a man floating in it—it is said—very readily.
  12. A faint saltiness was perceptible in the air; and Stringer, moistening his dry lips, noted the saline taste.