salivation / ˌsæl əˈveɪ ʃən /


salivation 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or process of salivating.
  2. an abnormally abundant flow of saliva; ptyalism.
  3. mercurial poisoning.

salivation 近义词


等同于 drool

salivation 的近义词 6


  1. Then . . . with the political class at the point of salivation . . . nothing happened.
  2. This brings on salivation, and in many cases the symptoms begin to abate in severity as soon as that commences.
  3. It is employed in aphth of the mouth, excessive salivation, &c.
  4. Mercurial ointment applied by friction to the skin will produce salivation.
  5. Or the Bichloride may be administered in minute doses, and may prove efficacious without producing salivation.
  6. Mercurial ointment, if rubbed into the skin, becomes in part absorbed, and may thus produce salivation.