salable / ˈseɪ lə bəl /


salable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. subject to or suitable for sale; readily sold: The books were sent back by the store in salable condition.

salable 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. In his ideal world, fish shops would create appealing products from the less salable parts of the fish so as to ensure every part of the fish is used, thus reducing the number of fish that get taken from the water.
  2. In some situations the recovered salts and other minerals could even be salable products.
  3. He knew by election day the price of every salable vote in the county.
  4. I suspected that his acres were not as broad, nor his produce as salable, as those of Mount Vernon.
  5. And in the end, even though he does not buy heavily, he must order at least a few each of the salable books.
  6. For years I have drawn these lovely ladies who make fiction salable to the masses.
  7. Although this is done at all seasons, it is more general in October or November, when the hides are good and salable.