safflower / ˈsæfˌlaʊ ər /


safflower 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a thistlelike composite plant, Carthamus tinctorius, native to the Old World, having finely toothed leaves and large, orange-red flower heads.
  2. its dried florets, used medicinally or as a red dyestuff.


  1. Silk dyed pink, with safflower, when heated to 400° F. becomes of a dirty white hue in the course of an hour.
  2. Yellow is given with the yellow colouring matter of safflower (carthamus,) which is readily extracted by water.
  3. The third group includes safflower, magenta, and murexide (light shades).
  4. Safflower turns yellow by the action of potassa, and the original rose shade is not restored by washing with water.
  5. Safflower, saf′flow-ėr, n. an annual herbaceous composite plant, cultivated all over India for its red dye—Carthamine.