saddlecloth / ˈsæd lˌklɔθ, -ˌklɒθ /


saddlecloth 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural sad·dle·cloths [sad-l-klawthz, -klothz, -klawths, -kloths]. /ˈsæd lˌklɔðz, -ˌklɒðz, -ˌklɔθs, -ˌklɒθs/.

  1. Horse Racing. a cloth placed over the saddle of a racehorse bearing the horse's number.
  2. saddle blanket.


  1. Sir Anthony Brown approached, leading a horse with a saddlecloth of crimson velvet, embroidered with gold and pearls.
  2. A saddlecloth, after having been used on the horse, is put over the abdomen of the woman.
  3. They were seated on handsome saddlecloth of panthers' skins, lined with red, which almost covered the horses' backs.
  4. He was riding a very fine thoroughbred gray Arab horse with a crimson gold-embroidered saddlecloth.