saddlecloth 的定义
plural sad·dle·cloths [sad-l-klawthz, -klothz, -klawths, -kloths]. /ˈsæd lˌklɔðz, -ˌklɒðz, -ˌklɔθs, -ˌklɒθs/.
- Horse Racing. a cloth placed over the saddle of a racehorse bearing the horse's number.
- saddle blanket.
- Sir Anthony Brown approached, leading a horse with a saddlecloth of crimson velvet, embroidered with gold and pearls.
- A saddlecloth, after having been used on the horse, is put over the abdomen of the woman.
- They were seated on handsome saddlecloth of panthers' skins, lined with red, which almost covered the horses' backs.
- He was riding a very fine thoroughbred gray Arab horse with a crimson gold-embroidered saddlecloth.