sachem / ˈseɪ tʃəm /


sachem 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the chief of a tribe.the chief of a confederation.
  2. a member of the governing body of the League of the Iroquois.
  3. one of the high officials in the Tammany Society.
  4. Slang. a political party leader.


  1. Soon after he had some lively service in the Wasp, and captured a British privateer with the little sloop Sachem.
  2. Who are you with a white skin who speak like a crested sachem?
  3. The Indians of several villages were sometimes united together in a petty tribe and were ruled by a sachem, or chief.
  4. For several years Philip was grand sachem of the Wampanoags and kept this treaty with great faithfulness.
  5. He knew that the son of the grand sachem of the Wampanoags could do anything that any other Indian had done.