rooftop / ˈrufˌtɒp, ˈrʊf- /


rooftop 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the roof of a building, especially the outer surface.


  1. Come nightfall, a fire pit on the rooftop deck makes for the ideal hangout.
  2. One of the reasons I wanted you on here is because you have ideas around rooftop farming.
  3. Gotham Greens, a company that grows produce indoors, set up what it touted as the world’s largest rooftop greenhouse.
  4. The company said people nearby should avoid being outside at ground level, on rooftops or balconies, or near open windows during the implosion.
  5. The rooftop fan provides airflow and cooling, while the LEDs give off plenty of light.
  6. Flash says it after watching Arrow swing off a rooftop; Arrow says it seconds later as he watches Flash run away.
  7. We stood on the rooftop of a derelict farmhouse meters away from a Turkish tank and a razor wire fence marking the end of Turkey.
  8. In fact, Devonshire has more rooftop solar installations than any other region in England.
  9. Rooftop solar—individual homeowners putting generating systems on their roofs—is also booming in Arizona.
  10. “We think this can open up rooftop solar to an entirely new class of customer,” Rumido adds.
  11. Miela turned and shouted something to the girls on the rooftop.
  12. The slope of hillside rising abruptly behind us held another house just above the level of the rooftop we were on.
  13. I went to the Capri rooftop to go swimming, and went to the Nacional to go swimming once.
  14. From the rooftop of the residence, Mayan ruins are visible as earthen mounds in the midst of maguey plantings.
  15. He remained crouching before the window, as though he had been watching a procession in a street, from some rooftop.