romanticize / roʊˈmæn təˌsaɪz /


romanticize2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

ro·man·ti·cized, ro·man·ti·ciz·ing.

  1. to make romantic; invest with a romantic character: Many people romanticize the role of an editor.
v. 无主动词 verb

ro·man·ti·cized, ro·man·ti·ciz·ing.

  1. to hold romantic notions, ideas, etc.

romanticize 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make glamorous


  1. They haven’t yet had time to forget the problems of startups or to romanticize them.
  2. While mountain biking has given me life-changing insight, I don’t want to romanticize its ability to treat mental health.
  3. I have learned in times of challenge, it’s a very common thing for Americans to romanticize the Manchester music scene or become Cure obsessives.
  4. In the face of grueling stress, it’s easy to romanticize the body’s commitment to balance.
  5. There’s cottagecore, which romanticizes nature and quaint forms, and classic scenesters such as the goth and punk kids.
  6. But I am afraid people will romanticize what Robin went through.
  7. “I was trying to romanticize IDF and Israel,” Beyo told The Daily Beast.
  8. I write this with some trepidation, not wanting to further romanticize pregnancy and babies.
  9. Ah, well, if we must romanticize something, it had best be the past.