righto / ˈraɪtˌoʊ, ˈraɪtˈoʊ; ˈraɪˌtoʊ, -ˈtoʊ /


righto 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection

Chiefly British.

  1. .


  1. “Righto,” said Bob, climbing out to the fuselage, behind the slowly revolving propeller.
  2. "Righto," answered Harry, and laughed to think how well he said it.
  3. "Righto, and thanks," came Baker's voice, and then a splash.
  4. Righto, glad to have your company, but we're not speed merchants like I guess you are with that 'oss there.
  5. He jabbed it at an ashtray, bobbed his head in a convulsive movement, said, "Righto!"