ribband / ˈrɪbˌbænd, ˈrɪb ənd, -ən /


ribband 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also ribbon. Shipbuilding. a strip of wood or metal running fore-and-aft along frames to keep them in the proper position until the shell planking or plating is in place.
  2. Carpentry. ribbon.


  1. La Touche listened, standing, and still holding the ribband of seaweed in his fingers.
  2. Even the colour of a shoe, the knot of a ribband, or your attitude in plucking a rose, were of moment to be recorded.
  3. "The ribband worn in the hat" was styled "a favour" previous to the Scotch Covenanters' nick-naming it a cockade.
  4. He constructed a column about which a broad ribband of relief winds upward.
  5. A blue ribband made a gay note in her faded, scant hair; she had pinned a piece of draggled color about her throat.