riant / ˈraɪ ənt, ˈri-; French ryɑ̃ /


riant 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. laughing; smiling; cheerful: She exuded good humor, with her riant brown eyes, curly, flyaway hair, and madcap grin.


  1. Un Vieillard.Jeune fille au riant visage,Que cherches-tu sous cet ombrage?
  2. Her bare arms and neck were as soft and firm as a baby's; her riant, un-English face seemed all aglow of color and mellow eyes.
  3. She talked of her griefs in a plucky, riant way, making eternal fun of herself as a giddy fool.
  4. Her hair was the real classic gold, and her grey eyes were riant with health and content.
  5. Ces dames le regardant lui dirent en riant, 'Vous plaisantez, Monsieur; ce n'est pas vous qui etes Napoleon.'