rhodora / roʊˈdɔr ə, -ˈdoʊr ə, rə- /


rhodora 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a low North American shrub, Rhododendron canadense, of the heath family, having rose-colored flowers that appear before the leaves.


  1. Whittier himself noted that he was indebted for this line to Emerson's "Rhodora"
  2. The only union of the nine which came as a surprise to the community was the engagement of Rhodora to Charley Boyd.
  3. Rhodora moved, with her mother, bed-ridden now, into a little house in the unfashionable outskirts of Trega.
  4. There the agony ended for the other girls, and there it began for Rhodora Boyd.
  5. The attractive blossoms of the Rhodora brighten the woods with their splendor.