rhinencephalon / ˌraɪ nɛnˈsɛf əˌlɒn, -lən /


rhinencephalon 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural rhi·nen·ceph·a·lons, rhi·nen·ceph·a·la [rahy-nen-sef-uh-luh]. /ˌraɪ nɛnˈsɛf ə lə/. Anatomy.

  1. the part of the cerebrum containing the olfactory structures.


  1. Rhinencephalon, rī-nen-sef′a-lon, n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
  2. But all the parts of the rhinencephalon, which are so distinct in macrosmatic mammals, can also be recognized in the human brain.
  3. It should be premised that Elliot Smith divides the brain into rhinencephalon and neopallium.