rhetor / ˈri tər, ˈrɛt ər /


rhetor 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a master or teacher of rhetoric.
  2. an orator.


  1. He will be overthrown and humiliated before the Dikastery by a clever rhetor.
  2. Aristides Rhetor (c. 160) also relates how in the winter, which began with Tobi, the Nile water was at its purest.
  3. The introduction of the rhetor synchronizes with the transition from the private patron to the patron-as-government-official.
  4. Juvenal had a full course of education, first under the litterator and the grammaticus, then under the rhetor.
  5. It was not the oration of a rhetor—it was the confession of an ardent, pure patriot.