rewire / riˈwaɪər /


rewire2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·wired, re·wir·ing.

  1. to provide with new wiring: to rewire a house.
v. 无主动词 verb

re·wired, re·wir·ing.

  1. to install new wiring.


  1. If you’ve ever rewired or installed an electrical outlet at home, you already have the skills necessary to do this.
  2. In many cases outlets need to be rewired in a simple fix so that the ground side is actually the ground side.
  3. “One speculation would be that as the olfactory receptor neurons recover, regrow and rewire into the brain that they don’t do it perfectly,” Reed said.
  4. The company’s broader strategy was to rewire the political landscape of Oregon communities.
  5. In the 1970s, he found evidence that brains can rewire themselves over time.
  6. Caton says he's going to have to rest the ship and rewire a good part of the system.