reverberatory / rɪˈvɜr bər əˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i /


reverberatory2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized or produced by reverberation.
  2. noting a furnace, kiln, or the like in which the fuel is not in direct contact with the ore, metal, etc., to be heated, but furnishes a flame that plays over the material, especially by being deflected downward from the roof.
  3. deflected, as flame.
n. 名词 noun

plural re·ver·ber·a·to·ries.

  1. any device, as a furnace, embodying reverberation.


  1. The operation is carried on in a reverberatory furnace or in a kettle.
  2. The refining of this black copper is performed in a kind of reverberatory furnace.
  3. Reverberatory furnaces have been long adopted for this operation; and among these, the elliptical are the best.
  4. The alloy of 60 of copper with 40 of tin was next calcined in the same reverberatory furnace, but with stirring of the mass.
  5. Very frequently, indeed, the reverberatory furnaces are armed with cast-iron plates over their whole surface.