reunion / riˈyun yən /


reunion 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of uniting again.
  2. the state of being united again.
  3. a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation: a family reunion.

reunion 近义词

n. 名词 noun

social gathering


  1. Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and the like have not only replaced most in-person business meetings, they’ve acted as a stand-in for gatherings between friends and reunions between relatives.
  2. Just five years later, toads from Mauritius were brought to the nearby island of Réunion to control mosquito populations.
  3. So looking back, it was a reunion well worthwhile and meant to be.
  4. When dog walker Jessica Enfante showed up for her first day back on the job in June, she experienced the kind of sweet reunion with an on-the-job pal that millions of teleworkers could only dream of.
  5. Virtual cast reunions and table reads of beloved movies and TV shows have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment since the coronavirus pandemic hit the US in March.
  6. It was doubtless a warm reunion with his family, who are featured in The Cuban Wives.
  7. A couple days following my reunion with Edgar, Julio and I reunited, as well.
  8. This was supposed to be an End of Watch reunion, with Jake Gyllenhaal playing one of the princes.
  9. In order for a reunion to happen, it would take a high level of trust, musically, on everything that happened.
  10. On his fight with Wise on Rikers Island in 1990; on his reunion with him in 2001.
  11. He had come to sun himself again in the warmth of her fellowship; he was stirred by her emphasis of their separation and reunion.
  12. There remained but one stream to cross, but it was a very considerable one, formed by the reunion of several channels.
  13. He is then quite sure that he will be transported in a comatose condition to the occult reunion.
  14. There were fifty-eight of us in my graduating class—that's 1940—and exactly thirty turned up for the tenth reunion.
  15. Two, therefore, is neither reunion nor division, as it would have to be in order to constitute a relation.