respective / rɪˈspɛk tɪv /


respective 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining individually or severally to each of a number of persons, things, etc.; particular: I will now discuss the respective merits of the candidates.

respective 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

particular, specific

respective 的近义词 10
respective 的反义词 1


  1. Where your app in the respective category ranks refers to the category ranking.
  2. Cultural relevance is a critical brand health metric that brands should aspire to measure and improve upon, across the entirety of their respective addressable markets.
  3. This is essentially targeting through the user id on the respective platform.
  4. Both were considered strong prospects — even front-runners — when they entered their respective races, but they still faced stiff competition.
  5. After months of meetings on Zoom, Matz and Bohm decided to drive from their respective parts of the Sunshine State to better merge their ideas in person.
  6. With all that said, representation of each of these respective communities has increased in the new Congress.
  7. Both are considered marginal figures in the House GOP caucus and have no real base of support for their respective bids.
  8. When our elected representatives assume their respective offices, they take an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution.”
  9. And their respective physical appearances, which have become objects of fascination for their legions of fans, were tragic.
  10. Congressional Democrats kept their respective leadership teams in place.
  11. We can do as we like with Hindu and Mussalman so long as we leave their respective religions untouched.
  12. Here the pair reached the "Dun Cow" and retired to their respective quarters.
  13. Full provision is made for Catholics and Nonconformists desiring to attend the services of their respective bodies.
  14. Public functionaries will receive their orders for military service from their respective administrative chiefs.
  15. After cobbing, great care is required in sorting the ore into the respective grades of Nos. 1, 2, and 3.