resorcinol / rɪˈzɔr səˌnɔl, -ˌnɒl /


resorcinol 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chemistry, Pharmacology.

  1. a white, needlelike, water-soluble solid, C6H6O2, a benzene derivative originally obtained from certain resins, now usually synthesized: used chiefly in making dyes, as a reagent, in tanning, in the synthesis of certain resins, and in medicine in treating certain skin conditions; meta-dihydroxybenzene.


  1. The other compound, resorcinol, was known to chemistry ten years before it was utilized as a source of colouring-matters.
  2. The dye introduced by Caro in 1874 is the brominated phthaleïn of resorcinol.