reguline / ˈrɛg yə lɪn, -ˌlaɪn /


reguline 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. of, relating to, or of the nature of, a regulus.


  1. Copper may be deposited from almost any of its salts in reguline form, the sulphate and nitrate being most usually employed.
  2. This is, perhaps, chiefly owing to the practical difficulty of obtaining a good firm "reguline" deposit.
  3. By carefully melting it in vacuo it can then be converted into the reguline form and drawn into wire.
  4. All the rest of the process consists only in separating this reguline part from the Gold.
  5. Antimony, as hath been already said, is a sort of ore consisting of a metalline or reguline part mineralized by Sulphur.