regula 的定义
plural reg·u·lae [reg-yuh-lee]. /ˈrɛg yəˌli/.
- a fillet, continuing a triglyph beneath the taenia, from which guttae are suspended.
- Nulla regula firma dari potest de impotentia physiologica senectutis in maribus.
- The statute just mentioned continues the regula regulans, as to the appointment of tutors-at-law for lunatics.
- Sub stricta instruens regula, uultu et habitu, sermone et uita, se eis in exemplum exhibuit.
- The Regula monachorum of Isidore was adopted by many of the monasteries in Spain during the 7th and 8th centuries.
- The content of these confessions is called by the earlier Fathers the regula fidei, or rule of faith.