regina / rɪˈdʒaɪ nə, -ˈdʒi- /


regina 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. queen.
  2. the official title of a queen: Elizabeth Regina.

regina 近义词


等同于 queen

regina 的近义词 8
regina 的反义词 1


  1. So we see that her first “clean” leaves her in the red even before the client—Anika Noni Rose’s snobby Regina, who comes to play a somewhat unfeasibly large role in Alex’s life—stiffs her.
  2. Regina saw something in me," Odom says, "that I didn't see in myself yet.
  3. Only four or five journalists attended the demonstration in memory of Regina Martinez in Coaztzacoalcos.
  4. The weird thing about hanging out with Regina is that I could hate her,” she says, “but I still wanted her to like me.
  5. Alison is played by the marvelous Tatiana Maslany, an actress who hails from Regina, Saskatchewan.
  6. There was that innocently ignoble time Phoebe Buffay pretended she was a physician named Dr. Regina Phalange.
  7. Cher Horowitz, Seth Cohen, Regina George, and more offer advice on how to survive the new year.
  8. My most vivid recollection is of a park in Regina, and that is because of a glimpse I caught of far-away sunshine.
  9. Among the Portuguese the district was celebrated for its pepper, and they called its queen “Regina da pimenta” (queen of pepper).
  10. Regina began to remember the days of her childhood, and the years she had spent among the Indians were forgotten.
  11. Now Mrs. Hartman recognized the blue eyes of Regina, and knew her daughter in spite of her height and dark skin.
  12. Regina was engaged to a young apothecary student, whom she expected to marry in the spring.