refugium 的定义
plural re·fu·gi·a [ri-fyoo-jee-uh]. /rɪˈfyu dʒi ə/.
- an area where special environmental circumstances have enabled a species or a community of species to survive after extinction in surrounding areas.
- While, from that "refugium peccatorum," the shilling gallery, infernal cries of "Down in the front!"
- She is not Regina coeli, but she is still refugium peccatorum, the fruitful mother of thousands.
- Then the bishop sprinkleth the water three times round the church: the chorus singing Deus noster refugium.
- For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium.
- Domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium—The safest place of refuge for every man is his own home.