refrigerant / rɪˈfrɪdʒ ər ənt /


refrigerant2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. refrigerating; cooling.
  2. reducing bodily heat or fever.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a refrigerant agent, as a drug.
  2. a liquid capable of vaporizing at a low temperature, as ammonia, used in mechanical refrigeration.
  3. a cooling substance, as ice or solid carbon dioxide, used in a refrigerator.

refrigerant 近义词


等同于 cooler

refrigerant 的近义词 2


  1. The federal and international focus was on stopping production of a dangerous refrigerant.
  2. The source of many harmful chlorine radicals in the atmosphere were refrigerants used in air conditioning and aerosol cans.
  3. Yet regardless of the refrigerant used, cooling still requires energy.
  4. Although the number of refrigerant molecules in the atmosphere is far fewer than those of other greenhouse gases, their destructive force, molecule for molecule, is far greater.
  5. By then, CFCs were used not only as refrigerants but also as spray can propellants, manufacturing degreasers, and foam-blowing agents.
  6. When both together, the Citrate of Potash would undergo oxidation, and thus exert an operation in the blood of a refrigerant kind.
  7. Occasionally alcohol or vinegar may be added with advantage to the water, with the view of increasing its refrigerant effects.
  8. If the inflammation is severe, let the patient use a refrigerant lotion.
  9. It is a consideration, Sir Poet, which may serve as a refrigerant for their ardour.
  10. Astringent and refrigerant; highly extolled in chronic dysentery, diarrha, English cholera, and relaxations generally.