reforest / riˈfɔr ɪst, -ˈfɒr- /


reforest 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to replant trees on.


  1. The Bonn Challenge aims to globally reforest 350 million hectares of land.
  2. Another early attempt to assist in forest conservation was an attempt to reforest the treeless plains of our Western States.
  3. It would take a hundred years to reforest those acres denuded of their timber by the fire of a few days.
  4. The only remedy is for the government to buy the land at the head-waters of the rivers and reforest it.
  5. The shortleaf pine will reforest the old areas, and spread over a widening territory, if only it is given a chance.
  6. He said, "They are growing those little trees to reforest the desolate, burned over regions of the Adirondacks."