recuse / rɪˈkyuz /


recuse2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·cused, re·cus·ing.

  1. to reject or challenge as disqualified to act in a particular case, especially because of potential conflict of interest or bias.
  2. to disqualify or withdraw from any position of judging or decision-making so as to avoid a semblance of personal interest or bias: The senator has recused himself from the vote because of his prior association with the company.
v. 无主动词 verb

re·cused, re·cus·ing.

  1. to withdraw from any position of judging or decision-making so as to avoid a semblance of personal interest or bias.


  1. Not only has the Miami native green-lit the suppression of roughly 85,000 votes in the Sunshine State, but critics also say she should have recused herself from the case altogether due to her past work as a judge.
  2. According to the Washington Post, last year when Lagoa was confirmed to the federal bench, she promised to recuse herself from any case where her impartiality could be called into question.
  3. Generally, though, she said, Council members and their staffs must recuse themselves from any decision involving a prospective employer, to ensure their motives are genuine and they’re working to advance the city’s interests alone.
  4. The law requires city officials to recuse themselves the moment they connect with an employer about a potential opportunity.
  5. The report observed that a board member could “insist on participating” in a case, even when the ethics officer has determined that the member should be recused.
  6. Doing so makes it unnecessary for judges to decide themselves whether to recuse.
  7. Through letters to the involved parties, she admitted to failing to recuse herself in all five of the cases.
  8. The judge said the royalty payment did not require him to recuse himself, according to 10th Circuit Clerk of Court Betsy Shumaker.
  9. The decision on whether to recuse is ultimately up to the judge.
  10. Cuccinelli has been called on to recuse himself and his office from the case.
  11. Or he may recuse the judge, which should be referred to the Suprema and not to arbiters, who cause much delay.
  12. Boccaccio must have been a clever fellow to write both argument and story; I am not, et je me recuse.