rectus / ˈrɛk təs /


rectus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural rec·ti [rek-tahy]. /ˈrɛk taɪ/. Anatomy.

  1. any of several straight muscles, as of the abdomen, thigh, eye, etc.


  1. To get a full six pack, you’ll need to work the full rectus abdominis—so you won’t get there by doing 1,000 crunches a day.
  2. Certainly tenotomy of the external rectus of the fixing eye is as a rule also necessary.
  3. On October 2nd, 1879, shortening of the left internal rectus, tenotomy of both externi.
  4. Tenotomy of the internal rectus and advancement of the abducens of the right eye at the end of December.
  5. At the end of May, 1879, shortening of the left internal rectus, tenotomy of both externi.
  6. In order to proceed carefully, I confined myself at first to tenotomy of the internal rectus of the right eye.