received / rɪˈsivd /


received 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. generally or traditionally accepted; conventional; standard: a received moral idea.

received 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. After all, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was not particularly well received and ultimately ended the Garfield Spider-Man franchise.
  2. The received medical wisdom of the age was that assertive, ambitious women were unnatural, and therefore sick.
  3. The position of the transmitter is calculated using time of flight between received signals, and this data is used to determine the position of the aircraft.
  4. Eric Garcetti succeeded Villaraigosa and has received high marks in his first year and a half on the job.
  5. As part of that effort, Said received weapons training for months, sources told The Daily Beast.
  6. This reporter knocked at the Wilkins home on Tuesday morning but received neither an answer nor the business end of a shotgun.
  7. Of the three nominated, Webster did the best, receiving 12 votes, Gohmert and Yoho received three and two votes, respectively.
  8. Jason Berry received a 1992 Alicia Patterson Fellowship for his coverage of demagogues in Louisiana.
  9. A Yankee, whose face had been mauled in a pot-house brawl, assured General Jackson that he had received his scars in battle.
  10. Thus far Boston banks have received more benefits from this bank than have the other banks in this district.
  11. In the meantime, the outlaw, having observed how much more cordially the tyrant is received than himself, has made his exit.
  12. Levee: a ceremonious visit received by a distinguished person in the morning.
  13. While Louis was reading these dispatches, he received a summons from Elizabeth, to attend her immediately.