razzing / ræz /


razzing2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to deride; make fun of; tease.
n. 名词 noun

razzing 近义词

v. 动词 verb


razzing 的近义词 11
razzing 的反义词 1


  1. Lopez admits that as the resident ghost expert he does get a fair bit of razzing from his police officer buddies.
  2. The fans on the bleachers ceased their fruitless razzing of the tin umpire and began to cheer.
  3. My grades werent so bad, but you should have heard the razzing I got!
  4. I thought he was razzing me for a moment, but saw that he really meant it.
  5. He quit razzing me and I tried to pay attention, but I couldn't; all I could do was think of home.
  6. He knew that he had laid himself open to a "royal razzing," but he proceeded to bluff himself out of the dilemma.