ratiocinative / ˌræʃ iˌɒs əˈneɪ ʃən, -ˌoʊ sə-, ˌræt i- /


ratiocinative 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the process of logical reasoning.

ratiocinative 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The ratiocinative coples the partes of a ratiocination, and it either inferres the conclusion or the reason.
  2. Either half of it, the Ratiocinative or the Inductive, would have surpassed any previous work on the same subject.
  3. And of it ther be tuoe sortes, the one enunciative, and the other ratiocinative.
  4. The eagle eye of his genius perceived intuitively what other men generally attain only as the result of ratiocinative process.
  5. It would be absurd to say that the ratiocinative, literal mind is higher than the ideal.