rassle / ˈræs əl /


rassle 的定义


  1. Johnny and Forrest Shirley would rassle on the floor, Forrest giggling as much as the child.
  2. Evans was a-braggin' 'bout how he could rassle, and pa ups and says, 'Huh!
  3. I reckon it'll be the worst rassle we ever had; but it's blackgum ag'in' thunder, and I'm blackgum.'
  4. I ain't sayin' the spirit of grace is actually th'owed me, but I feel prone to say I thinks it's fixin' to rassle wid me.
  5. Hes got the appetite, all right, but he dont know how to rassle the ingredients which goes into good grub.
  6. If there reely is any sech fish—which I don't believe there is—I'm goin' t' rassle with him an' mebbe tek him out o' the river.