rasher / ˈræʃ ər /


rasher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a thin slice of bacon or ham for frying or broiling.
  2. a portion or serving of bacon, usually three or four slices.

rasher 近义词

n. 名词 noun


rasher 的近义词 5
rasher 的反义词 1


  1. He was in the middle of his rasher when a shadow fell across his plate.
  2. And there by your own account you met a lady, with your neck streaked like a ham-rasher, and me not by—thank goodness!
  3. At once his eye fell upon Ben Cooper, seated at a table, with a rasher of bacon and a dish of eggs before him.
  4. She watched him as he bought half an ounce of tea, a rasher of bacon, one egg, and half a pound of sugar.
  5. But now the papers bring hus news as spiles yer mornin' rasher.