rapporteur / ˌræp ɔrˈtɜr; French ra pɔrˈtœr /


rapporteur 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural rap·por·teurs [rap-awr-turz; French ra-pawr-tœr]. /ˌræp ɔrˈtɜrz; French ra pɔrˈtœr/.

  1. a person responsible for compiling reports and presenting them, as to a governing body.


  1. The rapporteurs said the incentives built into this financing model make housing less affordable, particularly in communities of color, and reported that some people were being charged for ordinary repairs and maintenance on top of their normal rent.
  2. According to the Special Rapporteur, an especially disturbing trend is the growing rate of executions.
  3. The U.N. rapporteur has called for the lifting of the sanctions, which is what always happens when they begin to bite.
  4. Pour le Rapporteur (M. Fauchille) c'est le droit de passage qui prime.
  5. On peut compter, avait dit le noble rapporteur, sur le concours loyal et clair des gouvernements trangers.