ranker / ˈræŋ kər /


ranker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who ranks.
  2. British. a soldier in the ranks or a commissioned officer promoted from the ranks.


  1. This is novel because most deep neural network based ranking models have higher computational costs, and thus are restricted to later-stage rankers.
  2. But the Christian religion, like the trodden grass that ranker grows, flourished still in spite of the oppression it endured.
  3. The gown of the dead woman made a little patch of melancholy color against the green of the grass and ranker ground growth.
  4. Garlic has a very strong penetrating odor and a biting taste that resemble the odor and taste of onion, but that are much ranker.
  5. There are other excellent varieties of vanilla beans, but they have a somewhat ranker flavor than the Mexican.
  6. He summed up the lot of the New Ranker rather well, I thought.