raia / ˈrɑ yə, ˈraɪ ə /


raia 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a variant of raya.


  1. Tectospondyli (Squatina, Raia, Trygon), in which there are several concentric rings of calcification.
  2. In various species belonging to the genus Raia the teeth of the male are sharp, while those of the female are blunt.
  3. A well-known cartilaginous fish of the ray family, Raia batis.
  4. Linnæus had classed the torpedo in the genus ray, and hence called it raia torpedo.
  5. In the Skate (Raia) the body is rhomboidal, tail without spine, but two small dorsals near the top.