radium / ˈreɪ di əm /


radium 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Chemistry. a highly radioactive metallic element whose decay yields radon gas and alpha rays. Symbol: Ra; atomic weight: 226; atomic number: 88.
  2. a lustrous rayon or silk fabric constructed in plain weave and used in women's apparel, lining, and drapery.


  1. The heap contains radium, which uranium produces when it decays.
  2. It was full of heavy metals and radium, a by-product of uranium’s decay.
  3. We know now that radium, or at least radio-active substances, represent the philosopher's stone of the olden time.
  4. Radium was discovered in 1898 by M. and Madame Curie and M. Bmont, while experimenting with the uranium mineral pitchblende.
  5. It seems that an atom of radium does actually disintegrate, and by disintegrating give out energy.
  6. "They are using radium repellent rays to keep us from approaching," he informed.
  7. The cost of one pound of radium is variously estimated at from one to three millions of dollars.