racism / ˈreɪ sɪz əm /


racism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
  2. Also called in·sti·tu·tion·al rac·ism [in-sti-too-shuh-nl rey-siz-uhm, -tyoo-], /ˌɪn stɪˈtu ʃə nl ˈreɪ sɪz əm, -ˈtyu-/, struc·tur·al rac·ism [struhk-cher-uhl rey-siz-uhm], /ˈstrʌk tʃər əl ˈreɪ sɪz əm/, sys·tem·ic rac·ism [si-stem-ik rey-siz-uhm] /sɪˈstɛm ɪk ˈreɪ sɪz əm/ . a policy, system of government, etc., that is associated with or originated in such a doctrine, and that favors members of the dominant racial or ethnic group, or has a neutral effect on their life experiences, while discriminating against or harming members of other groups, ultimately serving to preserve the social status, economic advantage, or political power of the dominant group.
  3. an individual action or behavior based upon or fostering such a doctrine; racial discrimination.
  4. racial or ethnic prejudice or intolerance.

racism 近义词

n. 名词 noun

prejudice against an ethnic group


  1. He will embrace an overdue dialogue on race and enact new policies to address systemic racism.
  2. This sleight of hand positions race as the problem, allowing companies to absolve themselves of responsibility for racism.
  3. There are reasons why I don’t keep England as my home anymore, and the main reason is racism.
  4. Structural racism influences voting in more direct ways as well.
  5. We haven’t taken a stand to get out the vote because of how it contributes to structural racism in this country.
  6. Cosby conspiracy theorists share a perspective born of a long, pained history of American racism.
  7. One blames black Americans as a race; the other, racism as a social structure.
  8. The rule of law, you see, buckles, bends and sometimes crumbles under the weight of racism, sexism, and classism.
  9. They believe that these two people died because of a racism that permeates our society.
  10. And it was such casual racism by people in the halls of power.
  11. The rejection of black units could not always be ascribed to racism alone.
  12. The Double V campaign against fascism abroad and racism at home achieved considerably less than the activists had hoped.
  13. To achieve it they would have to fight the racism common in many segments of American society as well as bureaucratic inertia.
  14. These men were probably blind to the racism implicit in their policies, a racism nurtured by military tradition.
  15. Turning its back on the overt racism of some southern communities, the Army unwittingly exposed an example of racism in the west.