racemic / reɪˈsi mɪk, -ˈsɛm ɪk, rə- /


racemic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. noting or pertaining to any of various organic compounds in which racemism occurs.


  1. Racemic acid is rather less soluble than tartaric, and separates first from a solution containing the two acids.
  2. A solution of racemic acid precipitates a neutral salt of calcium, which is not the case with tartaric acid.
  3. Examination of liquors from which racemic acid has been deposited has always shown them to contain much inactive tartaric acid.
  4. This theory does not exclude the probability that certain vines under particular conditions produce racemic acid.
  5. In the one case, therefore, the racemic compound has a higher, in the other a lower melting point than the active forms.